Methow Valley |
 Methow Valley |
 Methow Valley |
 Methow Valley |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Okanogan Valley near Omak |
 Conconully Lake |
 Conconully Lake |
 Conconully Lake |
 Conners Lake (left past fields) |








 Heading down Okanogan R. valley |































 Conconully Lake |
 Over the pass from Conconully to Sinlahekin Valley |
 Marshy pond near end of Conconully Lake |
 Marshy pond near end of Conconully Lake |

 Western Bluebird |
 Western Bluebird |
 Tree Swallows |
 Western Bluebird |






 Some kind of juvenile flycatcher |
 Gray Catbird |


 Blue Lake |
 Blue Lake |
 Western Kingbird |
 Eastern Kingbird |
 Western Kingbird |
 Eastern Kingbird |
 Western Kingbird |
 Western Kingbird |
 Western White Butterfly |
 Western White |
 Western White |
 Forde Lake, Grebes |
 Forde Lake flowers |
 Cedar Waxwing |



 Forde Lake turtles |
 Some kind of Geometer? moth |









 Black-chinned Hummingbird |


 Forde Lake |
 Conners Lake |






 Conners Lake |

 Loomis |







 Similkameen R. crossing at Nighthawk |
 Similkameen R. crossing at Nighthawk |
 Similkameen R. Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 Similkameen River Valley |
 ? Lake above Oroville |
 ? Lake above Oroville |
 Sharp-tailed Grouse |
 Sharp-tailed Grouse |
 Sharp-tailed Grouse |
 Sharp-tailed Grouse |
 Say's Phoebe at Riverside Cemetery |
 Say's Phoebe |




