Trumpeter Swans have been successfully encouraged to nest here and elsewhere in the northern midwest. |
 The NWR has many large ponds and an extensive trail network. |

 Canada Geese & goslings |

 Brown-headed Cowbirds, they're everywhere |
 It was very pretty as the morning mist cleared. |
 Eastern Kingbird |
 Flying Egret |


 Tawas State Park on Lake Huron |
 Dramatic weather to the west, lightning & thunder |


 Eastern Kingbird |
 Eastern Kingbird |
 Baltimore Oriole |
 Bluejay |
 Bluejay |
 View from my hotel room on the lakefront at St. Ignace, looking at Lake Huron |
 St. Ignace, looking at Lake Michigan |
 Mute Swan |
 Rising moon over Lake Michigan |